Rebranding an eco-friendly company

Regulated Carbon

Branding Brand Style Guide Logo Design

The Regulated Carbon Project (RCP) provides carbon market analytics, insights, forecasting and financial products to help their clients make a transparent and measurable investment in a low-carbon economy. Our goal is to build a graphic charte with a brand new logo that encapsulate the ecological stakes of the brand.

Color palette

Colors are chosen to reflect both RCP's ecological commitments and its financial nature. Each color comes with a range of hue to accomodate UI components.

  • Blue is traditionnaly used by financial firms but it is also evocative of nature. With Deep Blue we want the user to feel calm, balance and trust
  • Green is universally associated with ecology and nature. Pine Green takes a dark shade to complement with Deep Blue.
  • Black Olive is a dark black with a pinch of green. It is used for the texts.


RCP uses two main fonts, Varela Round for headers and titles, and OpenSans in regular for bodies of text.

  • Based of the mordern Varela, Varela Round is a sans-serif typeface with distinct geometric properties making it perfect for headlines and titles. Its clear readibility makes it work well in any size while its rounded forms and curved edges give off softness and delicatness
  • Open Sans is a classic "go to" for websites' bodies of text. Being part of the humanist type faces, its upright stress, and open forms give the font a friendly appearence.


Values and Symbolism

The logo represents a “C” nested in a “R” like a close circuit in which carbon, symbolised by the little spheres, is free to move. The leg of the “R” is a leaf that sprouts from the carbon.
The whole logo is metaphore of how regulated carbon market can help save nature.

Color usage

Each color variation of the logo is to be used in specific context :

  • Deep blue is used for the website's header
  • Black and white is used on nature photographs (RCP's website uses quite a lot of those).
  • While the full color version is used on white background.

Shapes and geometry

The logotype is built with geometric, natural shapes. The “C” and head of the “R” are the miror of one another and the leaf is approximately the same height as them.
The logotype fits in a perfect square for more flexibility of use.